Please see the Membership Program tab for information about our Membership rewards and how we like to thank you for your support!
Read about our New CVBT Generals!
There are many reasons to give...
Supporting the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust is investing in America's future and ensuring new generations never forget what great sacrifices shaped this country both then and now.
When you give to CVBT, a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, you support our mission to preserve Civil War hallowed ground at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, The Wilderness, and Spotsylvania Court House. Since we are not state or federally funded, we rely on the generosity of individuals and foundation grants to fund our efforts to rescue historic battlefields from the threat of modern development and create historic greenspace for all generations.
Donate Today
Everyday, Civil War Hallowed Ground is lost. You help save and reclaim it.
Renew Your Membership
Preservation Members make the difference between saved land and lost ground.
Continue Making a Difference with Monthly Giving
Simply use this donation form or select “monthly donation” on our regular donation forms.
CVBT's Membership Program & The General's Club
We have several giving levels. To learn more, please visit our Membership page.
CVBT's Legacy Society
Planned giving to ensure the future of battlefield preservation. To learn more, please visit our Legacy Society page.
Support CVBT by Giving Through You IRA
You can support CVBT by contributing through an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution. Learn more.
how to make a donation
By Mail
Checks payable to:
Central Virginia Battlefields Trust
P.O. Box 3417
Fredericksburg, VA 22402
Visit our secure online donation page.
Central Virginia Battlefields Trust (CVBT) is a 501 (c)3 organization. TAX ID 54-1828344
Contributions are tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for more information.


The Central Virginia Battlefields Trust Needs Your Support!
We remain good stewards of the monies entrusted to us by our members and friends. The Board remains all volunteer, no Board member gets paid a cent, and we are serious about putting as much of every dollar contributed to us as is humanly possible into “dirt and grass."
No matter the amount, your donation is critical to our mission. Membership is just the first step. Every day we lose many acres of hallowed ground and every day we face another threat. CVBT needs your financial support and we need it continuously. You are the backbone that allows us to do what we do best - SAVE BATTLEFIELDS.
"I believe that we share a common understanding that these men would have wanted and would have expected their sacrifice and their suffering to be acknowledged, honored, and respected, and I believe too, that we share the conviction that the best way to do this is to save the very ground they sanctified, ground which in the most literal sense is sacred soil, ground whose destruction would dishonor what they did and why they did it, would dishonor both their memory and the meaning of their sacrifice."
--- Dr. Michael Stevens, Former President CVBT