Support CVBT Through Your IRA
Consider supporting CVBT through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) through your IRA.
If you are 70 1/2 or older, and have an IRA, you're already able to do so.
The mission of Central Virginia Battlefield Trust, Inc., is to preserve land associated with the five major Civil War campaigns: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mine Run, and the Overland Campaign including the Wilderness and Spotsylvania.
Did you know you can reduce your taxable income through an IRA QCD? If you make a gift directly to a qualified charity like the Trust, you reduce your taxable income while satisfying your required minimum distribution (RMD).
After you turn 72, you are required to make minimum distributions from your IRA. If you do not, you may find yourself with IRS penalties! To ensure this won’t happen, you may make a QCD gift of up to $100,000 per individual or $200,000 per couple.
CVBT's long-term stability is based on solid planning, which will ensure that we are here in the future to
serve the preservation of these battlefields, our Nations history, and the ability of future generations to understand what has occurred here. Your thoughtful gift to CVBT through a QCD gift
would go a long way toward helping make this future a reality.
When you contact your IRA Administrator you may need the following information
CVBT's full legal name is: Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc.
CVBT's federal taxpayer identification number is: 54-1828344
Suggested wording to be used when contacting your IRA Administrator:
Name of IRA administrator
City, State ZIP
RE: Request for Direct Charitable Distribution from IRA
Dear IRA administrator,
Please accept this letter as my request to make a direct qualified charitable distribution from my individual retirement account number [insert number here].
Please issue a check, or bank transfer, in the amount of $___________ (not to exceed $100,000), payable to the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust and mail it to:
PO Box 3417
Fredericksburg, VA. 22402
The qualified charitable organization’s federal tax identification number is: 54-1828344.
In your transmittal to the above named charitable organization, please memorialize my name and address as the donor of record in connection with this transfer, and copy me on the transmittal at the address below.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, I can be reached at [insert your telephone number and/or email address]. Thank you for your prompt attention to and assistance in this matter.
Name of donor
Donor’s address
City, State ZIP
Donor’s phone number
Questions? Contact:
Terry Rensel
CVBT Executive Director
(540) 374-0900
Disclaimer: The information provided below is for general informational purposes. For specific legal
advice, you should consult an attorney and/or tax advisor.