legacy society
planned giving ensures the future of battlefield preservation!
We can’t do it without you!
At Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, we value your donations, time, and advocacy for historic preservation.
CVBT Legacy Society
CVBT's Mission
The mission of Central Virginia Battlefield Trust, Inc., is to preserve land associated with the five major Civil War campaigns: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mine Run, and the Overland Campaign including the Wilderness and Spotsylvania.
CVBT's Motto
Preserving Dirt and Grass.
Leaving a Legacy
One of the most satisfying things you will be able to do by taking time to plan your estate is to make
decisions to benefit some of the worthy institutions and organizations you have supported during your
lifetime. In fact, many of the most significant gifts that nonprofits receive come from the estates of regular
contributors who decide to share a portion of their accumulated assets later on, after taking care of family
and friends.
CVBT's long-term stability is based on solid planning, which will ensure that we are here in the future to
serve the preservation of these battlefields. Your thoughtful choice to include CVBT in your estate plans
would go a long way toward helping make this future a reality.
If you choose to remember us in your plans, we welcome you letting us know so we may say, "Thank you." If
you prefer, we will keep your bequest intention confidential. We understand fully if you prefer not to share
specific amounts or if you have no way of knowing what might be left over for your charitable gifts.
When including a bequest provision in your will, always use the organizations legal name and provide the
federal taxpayer identification number.
CVBT's full legal name is: Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc.
CVBT's federal taxpayer identification number is: 54-1828344
Appropriate wording to be used when creating a provision in your will or trust:
"I give, devise and bequeath to the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc., a Virginia nonprofit 501(c)3 tax
exempt corporation located in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, the following gift to be used for the benefit of Central Virginia Battlefields Trust" ___________________________________________ (You may choose to give a specific dollar amount or real estate).
For More Information:
There are many ways to plan special gifts for CVBT and your other charitable interests – a bequest through
your will is just one. Whatever your plans may be, we encourage you to call or write for more information
on CVBT, without obligation. You may reach us at:
Terry Rensel
CVBT Executive Director
P. O. Box 3417
Fredericksburg, VA 22402
(540) 374-0900
Disclaimer: The information provided below is for general informational purposes. For specific legal
advice, you should consult an attorney and/or tax advisor.
Listed below are the most common types of planned gifts:
The most common type of planned gift is a bequest through a will or trust. By creating a will or having your
attorney make a simple revision to your will, you can make a gift of a certain dollar amount, a specific
percentage of your estate, or what is left after your loved ones have been taken care of. Here are three types
of bequest naming CVBT as a beneficiary:
An OUTRIGHT BEQUEST is for a specified asset, i.e., a stated amount or percentage of cash,
stocks, real estate, or items of personal property. Example: I give, devise and bequeath the sum of
$10,000; or 100 shares of the ABC Corporation; or 10% of the total value of my estate to the Central
Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc., a Virginia nonprofit 501(c)3, tax-exempt corporation located in the
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
A RESIDUARY BEQUEST provides for the transfer of all or a portion of an estate that remains after
all outright bequest provisions are fulfilled. Example: I give, devise and bequeath the residue; or
25% of the residue of my estate to the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc., a Virginia nonprofit
501(c)3, tax-exempt corporation located in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
A CONTINGENT BEQUEST is made when the original beneficiary named in the will is unable to
accept the asset or property. This type of bequest can be all or a portion of an estate. This type of
arrangement is advantageous for someone whose main concern is providing for his/her family. For
example, a donor can bequeath his/her entire estate to his/her spouse; if the spouse predeceases the
donor, the bequest passes to the contingent beneficiaries.
Appreciated Securities
Under current law, your outright gift of long-term, appreciated securities (stocks, mutual funds, and bonds) is
exempt from capital gains taxes and, in most cases, enables you to obtain a charitable income tax deduction
equal to the market value of the securities at the time of transfer. Gifts of appreciated securities are simple to
make and can be completed with or without a stockbroker.
Retirement Plans
Whether you are participating in a company pension plan or other private plan such as an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA), you may find that you have accumulated funds beyond your needs. Such excess
funds may be given during life (subject to minimum age requirements for penalty-free withdrawals) or at
death. Funds remaining in retirement accounts at death may be subject to taxes if left to non-charitable heirs.
Life Insurance
The cash value of the gift to CVBT is tax deductible, as are any future premiums the donor may opt to pay
on that policy. Note that only life insurance policies that are paid in full qualify as planned gifts.
Memorial & Tribute Gifts
You can make a gift to CVBT in memory or in honor of a friend or family members and your gift will be
acknowledged to the appropriate person(s).
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q: Do I really need a will?
A: Yes. Every adult can and should leave instructions as to what will become of their property when they
no longer need it. In the absence of these instructions, state laws control and your property may be
distributed to distant relatives, or, if none are found, possibly to the state itself.
Q: But I don't really have an "estate"
A: If you take time to record all of the property you own, you may be surprised to see that it begins to add
up. And, if you have particular items that you would like to go to certain individuals, your will can help
accomplish those wishes. Regardless of the size of your estate, you can benefit by taking the time to see an
attorney and have a simple will drafted.
Q: What if I already have a will?
A: Your will may be just fine as it is, but many people find that changes in circumstances may affect their
plans. Marriages, births, deaths, divorces and other changes such as moving to another state, are all good
reasons for reviewing your plans. If your previous beneficiary wishes have changed, you may want to
update your plans. And if you would like to leave part of your legacy to worthy causes and institutions,
including CVBT, it is time to take action.
Q: Are there other reasons to make or review my will?
A: Yes. One of the main reasons people make wills in the first place is to name guardians for minor
children or to arrange for the care of anyone who may be depending on you. If your circumstances, needs or
desires change, so should the instructions in your own personal will.
Q: What about trusts?
A: More and more people have supplemented their estate plans with a tool known as a revocable living trust.
Property may be transferred at death via instructions in the trust just as it would with a typical will. And the
trust allows one to provide for the management of assets while the creator of the trust is still living and may
help save estate taxes. This can add to peace of mind if one is alone and worried about what might happen
with his or her affairs should they become unable to manage them. A trust may also be useful in providing
support for dependents.
Q: With such a trust, do I still need a will?
A: Yes. You'll need at least a simple will to take care of "loose ends." Such a will may simply direct that
any property not already in the trust be transferred to be handled along with the other trust assets.
Q: Is this planning expensive?
A: That depends on the complexity of your situation. In most cases, the cost of planning is much less than
you think and may be less than the fees, bonds and taxes that might be due unnecessarily in the absence of
good planning. An attorney should be able to give you an estimate of fees in advance.
Q: Is my will private?
A: Unless you choose to share it, your will remains private as long as you are living. Upon death and
probate, wills become part of the public court records. Trusts remain confidential.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is for general informational purposes. For specific legal advice, you should consult an attorney and/or tax advisor.