March 16, 2020 — A Message From President Tom Van Winkle
The recent outbreak, now classified as a worldwide pandemic, of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused great alarm and concern, especially when it relates to travel and attending events. Central Virginia Battlefields Trust fully understands the uncertainty that arises in this environment.
Although much time, effort, cost, and planning has been invested in our April 2020 annual conference, we at CVBT must first, and foremost, consider our Partners health and wellbeing.
Due to the fact that this event will require close proximity contact for bus tours, a gathering of many in a conference room, and a demographic that largely covers the most “vulnerable population” as described by the Virginia Department of Health, we must take seriously the potential, however low, of this virus concern.
It is with great regret that we have decided to cancel our April 2020 annual
conference to safeguard the health of all. These are uncharted waters, and we must be vigilant of the continuing situation as it unfolds. I am sure you will all agree, health and safety come first.
2021 will be CVBT’s 25th anniversary. I assure you we will be creating a tremendous conference for us all. Our 2021 conference theme is “CVBT at 25 – Back to Our Roots”, and will be held April 16,17,18, 2021. This a special
milestone for our organization and all our Partners. We will reinvest our energies from this year and assemble an event you will not only enjoy but deserve!
Thank you for understanding our decision and please be careful and be aware in your daily lives.
Tom Van Winkle
President CVBT
Conference Ticket Refunds
CVBT Staff will begin mailing full refund checks to all registered guests no later than Wednesday, March 25, 2020. If you have questions about the refund process or additional concerns, please feel free to reach out: